Monday, November 12, 2012

I've Got Grit

 On my face. Braces equal having your teeth sandBlasted with crushed up TUMS. I likE to think it's exfoLiating. You should too. Apologies for not posting in a few full/new (whichever floats you boat)  moons. I've been busy spinning around in Ugly black dresses, biting my lip till it bleeds so I don't burst out lauGhing during awkward silences, and kidnapping babies. I recommend you don't take the last one too literally. I prefer to take my medicine with a spoonful of Nerds, please, and thAnk you very much. One should never forget commas. Ever.  One should however, as I've learned from a dear friend if mine, incorporate the word "beluga" into everything. But that might take some time for you to figure out so while I wait here are some lovely mug shots to look at:

So while these have been uploading I've:

a: Found the pot. The magical pot that we use to boil everything. (It was in the sink)

b: Remembered that penguins are fish blenders

c: Mastered the art of "cupping"

d: Used three pairs of socks

e: Eaten 20 baguettes with herrings, dressing, and whipped cream cheese

f: Fallen in love with non toxic shirts

g: Decided I need to go catch up on Grey's Anatomy

Lots of glass pumpkin love,

1 comment:

  1. HA HA love cupping! not so much ugly black dresses. But it's all good. you look cute!
