Saturday, November 3, 2012

Blue Cassette

Is the name of my future house in Santorini Greece. Because all houses should have names. And white picket fences. And lofts. I'm sorry. I'm currently distracted by the beautiful voices and faces of One Direction. Little Things makes me want to go outside in the snow and sing about my feelings. Also tribal dance. But you don't want to hear about my one true obsession in life, so here are the past two week's photos:

So whilst uploading these beauts I've held multiple conversations with the snowflakes, and figured out the universe. Maybe. So here's my discoveries about blackholes and shooting stars:

a: Mini pumpkins should have song lyrics written on them in indigo sharpie
b: I'm worse at badminton than I thought
c: We get fake clocks from Time magazine
d: You should always take walks at midnight in the summer while wearing sunnies and drinking flavored seltzer
e: Huge, baggy, oversized, ugly, sweaters with black leggings and Bearpaws are my life
f: Erasers are now called "scrubbers"
g: I'm a daisy
h: I love you

Hugs Through the Computer Screen,