Sunday, October 28, 2012

There's Snow in Lublin

Which is in Poland. Which is not here. It's raining here and all I want is some tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Screw fireflies. Tomato sauce jars are the new thing.That didn't make sense. But neither does the fact that I'm interpreting quotes form a classic and obsessing over Yoko Ono on a Sunday morning when I should be watching Modern Family. Also I should be publishing a fashion post. But my outfits from Thursday and Friday ended up in the wash and are now gossiping upstairs in the attic. So ya'll be getting a belated post this Wednesday. Before my mom yells at me to stop blogging and tells me to go back to Cry, the Beloved Country, I'll have you know that you can sign up to this blog via email. Just FYI.
Lots of Love,

1 comment:

  1. Very,very confused. I didn't know clothes could gossip! (But that was very creative and now I'm kinda jealous)
